Nutritionist in Luxembourg


Why consult a nutritionist in Luxembourg ?

Consulting Pascal Nottinger, a renowned nutritionist in Luxembourg, is a strategic choice for those seeking leading nutritional expertise. With his extensive experience and personalised approach, Mr Nottinger helps his patients achieve their health goals in a holistic way.

Whether you are looking to lose weight, adopt a specific diet or manage medical conditions through food, his guidance is invaluable. In a world where nutritional information abounds, surrounding yourself with an expert like Pascal Nottinger guarantees an evidence-based approach. To consult a nutritionist in Luxembourg, particularly one as reputable as Mr Nottinger, is to invest in your long-term health and well-being.

Who is Pascal Nottinger ?

Pascal Nottinger has had a passion for cooking and plants since childhood. His career path turned towards dietetics, which enabled him to combine his passions. He completed his studies as a trainee at the Necker hospital and began his career there as soon as he had his diplomas. For in-depth, personalised care, he chose to work as a freelance dietician in 2006.

It was in French Brittany, one of his favourite regions, that he began his career in private practice. It was then that he began to specialise in weight loss, an area of increasing demand. Staying close to his former colleagues and the Parisian medical scene, he soon returned to Paris to set up a private practice. A few years later, he established a new cabinet in Luxembourg.

Specialising in paediatrics and sustainable weight loss. He consults mainly in French and regularly in English and German. His priority is the satisfaction of each and every one of his patients.

dieteticien nutritioniste luxembourg